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How To Set A Good Example As A First-Time Manager

Taking the plunge into management is never easy, but you open a whole new set of opportunities by going up the career ladder. To make sure you lead an effective, efficient and enjoyable team, it is important to set a good example. 

Here are some tips how:

Be willing to learn 

Although you are in an authoritative position, don’t assume you know everything. Be open to learning more about your company, employees, and industry, and this will encourage your colleagues to do the same. 

This will also create a well-rounded, informed and knowledgeable team. 

Stay connected

Make sure you are being seen to connect with everyone in your team, as well as other divisions. Do not just hide behind emails, but pick up the phone, arrange meetings, move around the office and host get-togethers with clients. 

Having good communication between all parties will create opportunities, as people are more likely to consider you for work, and it encourages others to come to you with their ideas, problems and questions. 

If workers see you communicating well, they will follow suit, leading to an open and honest team. 

Stick to company principles

Your job is to reinforce company goals and principles, and the only way to do this is to practise them yourself. 

You need to set an example to the rest of your team, otherwise if they see you ‘bending the rules’, they are more likely to do so themselves. 

Anyone considering promotion should think about management training, as they can learn the ropes of how to be an influential team leader